
ANTM Cycle 16 - Franca Sozzani

Molly (Credit: The CW)

Top Model goes to Morocco as their international destination for Cycle 16. Having enjoyed lunch and the markets of Morocco the models move on to a villa to get frocked up with Andre Leon Talley, the rooftop turns out to be the location of their new digs while in Morocco. Kasia has troubles with trying to fit into a dress though she is praised for being prepared and bring a pair of shoes.

For the photoshoot the models are on Camels in the desert. The most of the models excel at the task, though Alexandria begins to direct again and Kasia isn't comfortable with her own image. At panel Vogue Italia Editor-in-Chief Franca Sozzani is the guest judge. Molly gets first call out for having a high fashion shot, with Alexandria and Kasia in the bottom two. Even though it's Alexandria's second appearance in the bottom two it was Kasia who was eliminated. So much for a fiercely real winner....

In other BIG Top Model News. Cycle 17 of America's Next Top Model is rumoured to be an ALL STARS Cycle featuring models from previous cycles. I'm tres excited to see who is coming back... I've got a few models in mind. Cool Bananas no?

See my favourite shots over the jump...


Here are my favourite shots from the episode. I must admit this is going to be a close competition, with all of the models left having been called first. I like how all of the images are totally different from each other.

(L-R/T-B) Alexandria, Britanni & Hannah (Credit: The CW)