

 (L-R/T-B) Katy Perry Concert, 100th Bus this week, Wishlist Package! & Vegie Barring with the Wifey 

I finished the rest of the Easter break working, which means good pay, which I'm in dire need to acquire to survive and well save...and shop..(bad habits die hard?). Once the break was over however I was tres happy as all of my packages could be delivered to me, the only downside to the long weekend.

I managed Vegie Bar with the wifey Krystal, after a week long crave for our vegetarian feed. I also went with her to Katy Perry's concert on Friday night which was AMAZEBALLS! I already kind of knew that her show would be good (I'm that type of person who reads up spoilers and stuff so I'm always in the know) and she didn't disappoint. The tickets were actually my birthday present from one of my sisters so it was good to finally cash in that gift.

Perry was really good, I did have my worries but she was really good live and her show was consistent and fun. Her album is now on replay as we speak.. good times.

I went out on Thursday night for just a bit of clubbing, dancing and all a bit of exercise on my behalf which was fun with the wifeys and co. I must say though I used to go out a lot pre travel and all, nowadays I don't go out so much... lost touch? I'm just getting old I think ahaha. But yes it's always good to dance around... though it was kind of weird that a lot of the songs on where the same songs from work..

With the break over uni started back which kind of sucked, but then I got to see all my uni lovelies so that always is good. And that with good weather and I'm a happy chap.

In my pursuit of happiness and balance, fun is key. It can't always be work work work, even if you love it.
