2011 Birkin Tote + Masquerade 2011 + Hot Summer Mornings + 2012 Birkin Tote... Purple!!
The end of 2011, and the beginning of 2012. Exciting stuff!

My lead up to New Years Eve was fairly busy, which really left me little time to reflect and get all nostalgic on what 2011 meant to me.
I must sound like a broken record when I say that 2011 was a really good year for little old MARTAN.
I came back from Europe with no expectations of what the year may hold, and then to meet people like Miss J Alexander and Gok Wan, attending Fashion Weeks, being asked to blog for the Spring Racing Carnival, even the smaller personal things like spending quality time with my lovelies and working hard, 2011 has been BAM amazing!
I try to always make sure that I use every second as possible, thus I'm such the crazy multi-tasker and sometimes a workaholic. But it pays off lovelies!
For my New Years I wanted to celebrate it in a club, just for the fun of it, having done the quiet and the house parties previously.
So the Wifey and I managed to go to a Tiki House Party and then to GH's Masquerade Party.
Note when party has a mask involved I'm pretty much sold
It was fun to bring in the New Year, though I must say once you countdown to 2012 you just continue the night.
What does 2012 have in store for MARTANmain?
I'm not planning any drastic changes or anything like that...
Hopefully you'll get to know me more, and maybe I'll get to know you lovelies better too!
My blog is all about Fashion, my loves, my shopping, the world and how I fit in...really
I hope that all you lovelies out there will enjoy the ride this year!
I like to make lists, contemplate and always plan for things.
I must say 2011 helped to reinforce that I need a balance.
Normally I write up a list of resolutions for the New Year, though for this year I just haven't had the time.
I do hope that this year has in store many great experiences, travel, people (and more shopping)
As long as I'm happy with the people I'm around and what I do, I think that's what I'll aim for/maintain.
I'm more into doing now than writing it down and waiting.
Resolutions Done.