One more week till university begins... and well hopefully my last.
This week reality hit.... basically meaning that my holiday is finally finished and now its time for me to think about the future, with my studies and general path in life. I remember when I was in high school I petrified of not knowing what I wanted to be or where I'd want to be, but now looking back I'm happy with my current position in life and the ways in which I direct my own journey.
I caught up with the lovlies Krystal and Yan this week. Well mulitple times for Vegie Bar, Wagyu Beef, Coffee and then for a bit of dancing as well.
I went back to work to Cotton On this week. Another sign that the holiday is over. I must say though I am happy to be back. I like working... as weird as that sounds. It gives me something to do with my time, and heck I get paid for it so I can't complain. Another positive note... shopping. I couldn't help myself so i bought a pair of sandals, black drop crotch harems and a pair of shorts.
I chopped my hair... Okay so chopped is a strong word, but it's a lot shorter. No longer can I play with my nice long fringe. I'm a person you loves to change it up every once and a while. I don't like feeling too comfortable. But yes I've got a shorter hairdo. Photos soon.
Random Fact: I find that I'm most productive in the early hours of the morning. I don't know why, hit 2am and my brain starts firing ideas and energy I find it very hard to ignore and go to sleep as I'd waste all of this. As we speak it is 2:41am my brain is hitting its mental peak, I'm not going to state the great ideas I've had but in time they will hopefully materialise, nevertheless I've very excited to share soon.