
Style Diary 2011: The Looks

A main part of this blog is my Style Diary

I don't know how to describe my style, it's ever changing. I have my own style fads, pet style love love loves and heck I do chuck a bit of trend here and there. 

Now with 2012 in sight it's time to reflect on the year that's 2011 (if you haven't noticed already with my recent posts
Follow the jump to see all of my Style Diary shots from 2011!

Starting from the beginning to now, it's funny to see some subtle changes, more my Hairstyles, Eyebrows and Model 101-ness. ahahaha. Even when compiling all of these shots, I laughed. Though all of these looks are apart of my style evolution! (yes I used the word evolution, don't judge... I sound like a Pokemon). 

Which look is your fave? 

Click on the pictures to see the accompanying posts!!