Christopher Raeburn + Christopher Shannon
E. Tautz + Hackett London
J.W. Anderson + James Long
Jonathan Saunders + Joseph Addoud
I know I used bitch about the lack-there-of interesting or coverage of Menswear in the world, but I think my bitching has finally been answered (well at least I'm beginning to stop) This year the British Fashion Council took their Men's Day and created London Collections: Men a four day event of Menswear related Runways, Showcases, Parties and the like. What I wouldn't have done to be there (let alone any International Menswear week) Luckily however I'm able to participate from Australia in the comfort of my own home with the help of friends wifi and Here are Part 1 of my picks from the week. I really loved the floral details on the Model faces in Christopher Shannon's show. From Part 1 I see great Bright Colours (notably Pink), Shape Exaggeration and New Casual Silhouettes. I'm especially fond of James Long and J.W. Anderson. I will no longer bitch, instead I'll research, find and post. A good trade. Stay tuned for Part 2!
(Photos: London Collections: Men)