Quite the year...
Every once and a while I mention identity and getting to know myself. Whether it be through work, travel and career. Never did I realise that I would be learning way more about myself at home ... in a state lockdown... for many months. Having left my job late 2019 I set 2020 to redefine and start afresh, and boy did I.. just a little bit differently than planned. When faced with a challenge you've got to take control and get creative. Travelling through TV and Books saved me money on air tickets and accommodation. I may have overdone it with the self-care skincare and then spent the second half of the year trying to soothe and rehydrate. I started the year at the beach then yearned for it until I got to go back to one by the end of the year. My inner Aquarius was highly satisfied. I took stock of everything. My clothes, skincare, shoes, belongings, everything. I love a good organisational spreadsheet as a result. Even though I had nowhere to go I still played dress up. Who says you can't be fancy making breakfast or going to the shops? I had many a balloon animal, much to Mister's balloon phobic nature. Had many cat cuddles and games of chasey. And through it all, I learnt more about myself having to sit with myself day after day after day... after day.
I wouldn't call 2020 a complete write off. I achieved many things I probably wouldn't have if I were 'busy out and about' Let's call it a soft start to the decade.