Marsha P. Johnson Institute - NITV Indigenous resource - George Floyd via @shaunking
Allyship via @gisellebuchanan - Trans activist/actress @indyamoore - @pullupforchange
In My Blood it Runs Movie - @soyouwanttotalkabout resources - @amandaseales Podcast
What a time to be alive
Recently I have not wanted to publish any content in light of the #blacklivesmatter movement. It doesn't seem too important to share 'my favourites' or 'what I am wearing' when a greater conversation is being had. As a Queer POC I can barely understand the struggles of people with darker skin. The moment you add 'black' to whatever title whether it be Woman, Trans or Man, rates of further discrimination, oppression and death often increase.
The footage of the unconscionable deaths of George Floyd and Ahmuad Arbrey, sparked this long-overdue social movement. In what world can things like this happen? Surely there is some compassion or sense of restraint? But in the case of George Floyd, it took a knee to the neck for eight minutes and forty-six seconds to kill him over an arrest about a counterfeit $20 note. All this is very heavy and incomprehensible, and yet what is heavier is the thought that these injustices have been going on without repercussion around the world for years and finally the world is waking up and rising against the inhumanity.
I believe that this social movement can create the best kind of influence possible, especially in western countries. Even looking at my own country of Australia, the country has a horrid history of oppression against its native Aboriginals. My hope is that like all things, the world will see and adopt change, taking influence from what is happening in America to then make systemic changes to improve things locally. Change comes in many forms from Police and Legal Reform, Seats at the Table for Diversity in all businesses, Adequate Media Representation and Equity to Positively grow communities. It sounds like a lot, but living in a first world country, how can you expect any less?
My first step is that I am learning. I am lucky to not be a victim of #blacklivesmatter. I am committed to learning to stay properly informed rather than relying on what was hardly taught in school or what reported in the media. Knowledge is power in all aspects of life. It is not an easy or light thing to learn about but to say #blacklivesmatter or have a #blackout tile on your Instagram and not attempt to understand things like Slavery, Oppressive Laws, the Stolen Generation, the Black Trans Struggle or the Black Queer Struggle, you are doing nothing more than a bit of performative allyship. The #blacklivesmatter movement needs more than just black tiles and silence. Silence is violence.
Whether it is through Donations, Learning, Protesting or having Conversations, I choose to take up space and join in to help amplify this movement in hopes to bring light and change. The above tiles are all linked to references, groups or entities which I support or learn from, it's worth checking them out. Being my personal best means that I'm always learning, whether its passion projects or world issues. My Best is when I'm in the know and aware of myself and what is around.